A few of my Seminar papers
Because of various demands from colleagues (concerning references etc.) and because of easy availiability, I posted some of my seminar papers on the net.
But watch out. These papers reflect my development in "paper writing" as well as my chronical lack of time, thus most of them are not up to the level I would produce nowadays.
My IHS papers
- Econometrics - Zeugner: Implementing Pesaran-Shin-Smith
This was the first year paper I had to do in order to complete my first year of post-graduate studies at IHS. It is a 'pedagogical' presentaion of the paper by Pesaran-Shin-Smith (2000) who presented an extension of the Johansen cointegration test to the inclusion of exogenous variables into the cointegration equation.
The corresponding MATLAB function 'uPSS' is available here.
My WU papers
- Public Finance (Finanzwissenschaft) - Zeugner: Föderale Aufgabenstruktur in Frankreich (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der nachgeordneten Gebietskörperschaften)
I think, this one was the best and most consistent paper I did at WU. - Economics and European Integration - Roth, Zeugner: Die Geldpolitik der Europäischen Zentralbank
This enquiry into monetary rules in the presence of disparities and its application to the European Central Bank led to a job offer by the seminar's prof. - Financial Markets - Hedayati-Rad, Hofmann, Toto, Zeugner: Risiko und Ertragsanalyse von verschiedenen Anleiheformen
A highly rated paper about emerging market, corporate and government bond markets in comparison (with special attention to emerging markets), done by some rare statistical means. - Operations Research - Zeugner: Evaluation of Vector Error Correction Models (in Comparison with Simkins: Forecasting with VAR Models subject to Business Cycle Restrictions)
- BA in European Integration - Hille, Mayr, Roth, Zeugner: Markteintrittsstrategie von Henkel CEE in Russland
- Growth Economics - Eller, Zeugner: Konvergenz der MOEL (mittels wachstumstheoretischer Ansätze)
slides 1st part
slides 2nd part
This paper, done with my colleague Markus, found the best response and triggered a research project - Growth Economics - Zeugner: Langfristige Wachstumsraten für Hongkong und Singapur seit 1960
Just for fun: A homework for growth economics in HTML format.
My HEC papers
These papers I produced during my exchange term at HEC Paris
- Asia Studies - Zeugner: Le pétrole en mer de Chine méridionale (enjeux pour la région)
This paper endavours the strategic games in the South China Sea - Exchange rate theory - Svensson, Zeugner: Optimum Currency Area Theory (The Case of Sweden and the EMU)
This was the most successful presentation at HEC of my colleague Signe and me.
- Economics of Organizations - Engelberth, Svensson, Zeugner: McDonald's
A practical enquiry into applied transaction cost theory - done efficiently in matter of time
In addition, a site of references for CEEC-related topics I once posted for one of my classes